Actions Speak Louder Than...
Following the brutal murder of George Floyd, Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi partnered with the Textile Center Minneapolis, MN to curate several exhibitions throughout the city. We Are the Story opened 9/10/20-6/12/21.
Dr. Mazloomi received over 400 submissions for this exhibit; I’m honored to have two pieces in the show.
Actions Speak Louder Than… depicts violations to the Minneapolis Police Department’s Code of Conduct that were inflicted on Mr. Floyd.
The police badge includes Mr. Floyd's name, the length of time it took to murder him (as published at the time of his death) and the date .
Each white section has language taken from the Code of Conduct.
The Background fabric has letters in black and white in no order, just a bunch of gibberish.
Theme 1: Social Justice
35 x 35
Quilted wall hanging