Deb Baillieul grew up in eastern Massachusetts, living in a 300 yr old farm house on many acres of woods, fields and swaps. Her mother was an avid gardener, horticulturalist and floral design. It was from her that Deb learned the basics of good design. Summers on Cape Cod allowed Deb to explore freely the natural world including the shoreline and cranberry bogs.
She studied textiles and clothing at the University of
Massachusetts and developed an appreciation of styles, art
principles, especialy line color texture and design. After a few
years of marrying and living in Botswana, Deb began experimenting with visual art. In
Pittsburgh she added weaving. But it was in Columbus that she began to
really explore her art making, first with 10 years of color pencil
instruction, then for the last 24 years, Deb discovered art qults
taking dying, printing, and compostion classes with The Quilt Surface
Design Symposium. As for painting, the Columbus Cultural Arts Center
has given her great instrutors in painting and surface design for
20 years. Her fiber studio is in her home in Columbus, Ohio, with a dye studio in the
basement, and weaving room upstairs. She finds time and space to
create daily!
Juried Exhibitions:
NAACCM- Art of Soul
Ohio State Fair FIne Arts Division
Best of..., Ohio Craft Museum
Bryn Du Annual Art exhibition, Granville, Ohio
McConnell Art Center, Worthington, Ohio
Concourse Gallery, Upper Arlington Municipal Building, Ohio
High Road Gallery, Worthington, Ohio
Columbus Cultural Arts Center, Main Gallery and Loft Gallery
Many other nonjuried exhibitions.
StatementDEB BAILLIEUL, artist
As a fiber artist and painter, I have always been moved by the natural
world, the texture of the bark of a baobab tree, the color of macaw's
wings, the line of grape vies dripping high from an old oak, the
shape of a sycamore leaf, the dark clefts in a rocky ravine, and the
sound of ocean waves.
My current concerns are our warming world and changing land. My art
speaks to trees, the cleaners of air, givers of cool shade, providers
of habitats for all living creatures, and for their beauty.
We need beauty to soothe our souls in this troubled world.
I use paint, printing, drawing, and dyeing on fiber. I hand stich my
largely abstract designs. Natural fibers of wool, linen, silk, and
cotton take the color best. t I also scour the thrift stores for
interesting clothing to re-purpose.
My inspirations come from places I have travelled and lived.
CountryUnited States